Of Heart Disease and Heart Attacks and my MIL’s Story

By Emerald Morgia

Early this 2022, my mother-in-law (MIL) felt a painful squeezing in her chest. She’s turning 66 this year. That is not a good sign.

She was advised to be admitted to a hospital to have all her laboratories. She declined to be admitted. She was given medications to address the over-pumping of the heart (what is commonly referred to as heart attack). The pain lessened. She was still feeling worn out. Her arms felt very heavy. She looked ashened.

My Educated Guess:

The heart pumps with the intent of delivering oxygen to every cells in the body. Be it the cell in the farthest toes or the cell on the top of the head, it is still part the heart’s job to deliver oxygen to it. Oxygen is essential to life. “Permanent brain damage begins after only 4 minutes without oxygen, and death can occur as soon as 4 to 6 minutes later” accoording to medlineplus.gov

Now the workings inside the body is top of the line. The body has the best feedback mechanism. The priority is the brain being hte command center. People with poor oxygen supply would at first feel cold at their feet or feeling cold in general. Once that starts, it’s all downhill from there.

This does not happen overnight of course. A heart disease is called a lifestyle disease for a reason. It is an accummulated result of a person’s daily decisions of what they eat everyday and what physical activity they do every day (and what they choose to feel every day, if I may add). Disease does not happen overnight.

My teacher in natural medicine always hammers this fact to us: it will take two times the amount of time for the body to heal vs. the time you made it sick. In other words, if you were not mindful of it for 30 years, it will take 60 years as much to heal it if you begin to be mindful. That is not a happy picture, right? But I want you to focus on the truth: your body can heal. The first it will do is address the disease symptoms, especially the pain. Being able to be free from pain is very empowering. If you want to start on a healthy lifestyle, you may email emeraldtobias@cosmictask.com. I will give you the number of my doctor who can walk you through the process of taking your health back naturally. It will not earn me anything. I just love to lead people to a person who can empower them.

However, if you are like my MIL (no offense meant, lol) who is not so keen on following the long route to health and would like to get help from technology, I would to share to you Nugabest’s N4Bed.

The Long Story:

My MIL’s feedback upon taking her conventional doctor’s medicine is the feeling of being in the water. She cannot move as fast as before. A bit of movement leaves her tired. She wouldn’t even do sunbathing because moving from where she sits and being outside is too much of a task (it’s like 5 meters walk, or less).I cannot fault her. She is not just making excuses. But UVB is very important for healing. And do you know what other health benefits we can get from the sun? FaiInfrared rays.

Being a student of natural medicine, I knew that she’s in a vicious cycle. The big question is: how to get her out of the vicious cycle?

Then I remembered NUGABEST. Where I live, there’s a place where the elderly (and everyone who are sick) with all sorts of ailments can go to everyday for a free treatment. They would have to wait for their turn, of course. They serve about 300 persons a day pre-covid era. The treatment consist of lying down a bed with roller that will target the peripheral nerves. If you care too check basic anatomy facts, these peripheral nerves are connected to different organs of the body.

Where there is a nerve, a blood vessel can also be found. So when the nerves are stimulated, the organs are stimulated, plus the blood flow is increased. Increased oxygenation is the first step to physical healing.

More about N4BED:

The N4Bed has built-in tourmanium ceramics that emits far infrared rays. To put it simply, having an N4BED treatment is like having a modern sauna plus a massage. Your muscles will be warmed and relaxed.

This product is designed and manufactured in Korean by biomedical engineer Cho Syung Hyun. This product has international standards that is why it is allowed to be sold in Amazon.

Know though that oriental medicine differs greatly from western medicine. Western medicine tries to treat a disease by addressing the symptoms. Oriental medicine tries to treat the disease by providing the body the basic essentials to healing: oxygenation is one. And this is addressed by Cho Syung Hyun, among many others.

The Healing Reactions:

Healing reaction is defined as the temporary discomfort a person will experience during treatment. Some will experience it much later. Other will experience it immediately.

My MIL’s experience with N4BED? Due to the increase oxygenation in her brain (and other parts of her body), she felt lightheaded. There are many healing reactions that might have alarmed her had she not listened to the lectures in the Nugabest Center. So if you want to get in touch of a person who can help you understand with healing reactions, just comment down below. The general rule is: hydrate before and after the treatment.

How the Story Ends:

My MIL is now able to go walking around the neighborhood. One time, we were surprised to find her at our doorsteps. She walked like two kilometers. That is amazing. From not being to walk 5 meters just to sunbath, that is amazing feat. She also doesn’t feel cold anymore nor wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

That is after religiously going for the free N4BED treatment for 3 months or so.

Although Nugabest free treatment of N4bed is unlimited (yes unlimited. Some elderlies has been coming there day after day for 3 years already since opening), the company is also selling the product (they have other products too) to those who would rather save time and have the convenience of treatment at the comfort of their homes.

After my MIL received her retirement fund, she bought the N4BED. Now she can have as much as 3 treatments in a day.

If you want to purchase the product, you can click here. This is an updated version of N4bed available only in the Amazon.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to give you a medical advise. The best advise I can give you for any disease, is contact me and I will give you my natural doctor’s contact details so she can help you change your lifestyle. Eat right, live right. She’s a medical doctor who practiced in US and Canada all throughout her career as an Internist and who pursued natural medicine. What I am doing here is just sharing my MIL’s story. The link I provided is an Amazon affiliate link that might let me earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. If you have read this far, thank you so much!

P.S. If you are reading this from the Philippines, it is better to visit the nearest Nugabest Center near you. They usually have free treatments from 9 am onwards.