I thought I would never lose weight after having two children.
After following a healthy diet though, my excess fats slowly melted off. Let me share to you the simple diet protocol that my nutrition doctor made me follow:
Drink water upon waking up. The water should be warm. Add a squeeze of lemon to re-mineralize it. Swirl under the tongue. Under the tongue has lots of blood vessels that can absorb the minerals. Sip, not gulp down water.
Your first meal should be between 9 am – 11 am. Aiming for at least 7 kinds of fruits is the ideal
Your second meal should be between 3 pm to 5 pm. Greens, nuts, seeds, organic egg. Aim for 80% raw.
Introduce probiotics to your gut. The bad bacteria makes you crave for the sugary stuff. Sugary stuff prevents you from absorbing nutrients properly. Under-nourishment makes you crave for more food. And oh, those bad bacteria who craves for loves sugar, when hungry would release chemicals to the brain (there is a direct nerve from gut to brain called vagus nerve) and demand that they badly need more sugar. And the sugar cravings are terrible and leaves you feeling terrible after giving in. And it becomes a vicious cycle of malnutrition and cravings.
Hydrate throughout the day.
Another unpopular step is to pray for strength and willpower. Ï can do all things through who strengthens me “is my secret step.
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