
By Emerald Morgia

Shame  Noun: the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another Verb:                       to publicly humiliate or shame for being or doing something specified (usually used in combination): The first people who felt ashamed were Adam and Eve. In Genesis 2 it says that Adam and Eve…

2 Characteristics of Love

By Emerald Morgia

My husband and I recently attended a Couple’s Getaway coordinated by the Turning Point Fellowship (April 2016). Here are the lessons I learned and my thoughts of it… The love that we have for our spouse…

Me Against Myself

By Emerald Morgia

THAT moment when I believed the Gospel, I had an epiphany. I realized I’m no accident and that I’m meant for eternity. I realized my worth. And I realized my purpose. I felt inexplicable joy. After…

Bricks to Build a Wall

By Emerald Morgia

In the Bible, Nehemiah took on a project of rebuilding Israel’s wall. When he was summoned by “important” people of that time, he said, “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down.…